Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Red Reaction

I remember not long after we mover to Downey from Arizona, mom and dad decided to remodel the old greenhouse into a new addition for the house. Mom and I left for school. Dad worked all day in painting the new addition to have it ready for mom when she got home from work. Instead of doing it one simple color, he wanted a reaction. He painted the whole addition a nice whit the went back and painted one wall and the trim a bright fire engine red. He got the reaction he wanted from mom and us, then quickly repainted it to what mom wanted! It was hilarious!
~ Kantessa Heath, daughter

1 comment:

Justice Epiphany said...

Your brother Gail is a criminal ! He is involved into a sex scandal now with sugar babies and sluts at the UofA while still being married to JessAy Bennett the abortion queen ! Cash me ouSside witdda setters anyone? Shame on you and your family !